This destination in Rockaway, NJ was a hot spot for Troop 236 for many years up until the early 2010s. For over a decade, the troop had usually stayed in the Corwin Center (formerly, Baden Powell Lodge) at Winnebago. This campout was popular for its spacious cabin, wonderful and expansive trails, and familiarity. In 2015, the cabin was renovated and, in recent years, has been dominated throughout the year by training courses like Woodsman’s Thong and NYLT. Because of this, the troop has not since continued this campout.
This was s a relatively easy-going campout and had always been the campout where newly bridged boys first got to go camping with their fellow troop members to work on rank advancement. Scouts usually participated in a round robin of classes where they learned various scouting skills, such as knots, fire building and more.
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